Monday, January 28, 2019

3 Simple Ideas for Redecorating Your Living Room

Ask your neighbors how they decorated their living room and you’re bound to be bombarded with a different answer from everybody, and more than a few from a single one! Because the living room is so close to our hearts and our homes, how we furnish it directly affects how we feel when we spend time inside of it. So what could be more fun, and crucial to your happiness at home, than discussing all the creative ways you can personalize your space, on a budget that’s right for you.

Today, your neighbors at the Red Barn Furniture outlet are excited to talk to you about redecorating your living room:

2Pc Tremont Slate Sofa & Lovseat

Divvy Up and Decorate Your Space, Slice by Slice

Here’s a neat trick we’ve picked up over the years: decorate by layering. What do we mean by this exactly? Starting from the floor, onward to your centerpieces, curtains and accents, think of your living room as being divided into many slices and interchangeable parts. You want to make sure that each of these slices or parts has what it needs to feel comfortable, appealing, yet only as busy as it needs to be. A sure beat? An area rug, matched by an accent ottoman and sofa.

Accrington Granite Queen Sofa Sleeper

Unleash the Rainbow in Your Living Room: Colors

What’s one concept in decor that goes overlooked more than it should? How about colors and tones! While you may think you can pick out a color for your sectional sofa and call it a day, you would be mistaken. Your living room, from upholstery to coffee table to wall space, reflects a whole spectrum of color, whether you’re aware of it or not. If you want to relax at home, grab a color scheme that’s soft and monochromatic, or bold and consistent in its shades.
Camp Ridge Black Sofa Table

Accessorize to Personalize Your Space for Anyone

After all that subdividing and colorizing, your living room’s more than ready for some accessory charm. Adhering to a particular hue, keep an eye out for artwork and mementos that reflect the mood you have in mind for your living room.  Personal pieces go a long way towards reflecting a space that is uniquely you, and one where you want to entertain your family and friends.

But that’s not even the half of it. Do yourself a favor and stop by our Red Barn Furniture Outlet in Stephens Church, Virginia, to get plenty of ideas, and discounts on the best living room decor around. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Give Birth to the New You: Bedroom Decor for 2019

It’s 2019! And that means ditching the old and the stagnant and embracing the new. But where could you do with an infusion of fresh style more than your own personal bedroom? Today we’ll review just some of the ways you can redecorate your bedroom to reflect the New Year, and the new you!
Fancee Black 2 Drawer Nightstand

Bring Symmetry into Your Life, Day and Night

If there’s a Golden rule to decorating a bedroom, it’s this: respect your sense of symmetry. In practice, this applies to everything that you include in your bedroom, from your nightstand, down to your chest and armoire. Be the judge of what blends, and what sticks out, noting how styles and colors get along.

Accustomed to a single classic nightstand? Why not mirror it, giving your bedside a fuller look and feel.

Aimwell Dresser

Age Your Bedroom the Best Way: Antique Decor

Do you sometimes feel that your bedroom’s a tad too modern for your tastes? Then give it a character and bit of intrigue, by furnishing your space with some antique splendor of its own, like a traditionally finished bedroom dresser and mirror.  You’ll be hard-pressed to find a single person who wouldn’t like the mix of contemporary and classic.

Own a queen sized bed that could do with a makeover? Support it with an upholstered headboard, for a combination that’s both functional and inviting.

Kianni Taupe King Panel Bed

Give Your Guests Some Seating in Your Bedroom

Before you bring any guests into your bedroom, ask yourself: apart from the bed, where can they seat themselves? You’d be surprised by the number of bedrooms lacking adequate seating, and how easy it is to fix this.

Our recommendation: invest in a cushioned bench, at the edge of your bed, or a comfy chair or two on one side of your room. You’ll appreciate the way your extra seating adds dimension to your space, and gives you more options for how you spend your hours inside your bedroom (reading or napping).

Swing by Red Barn Furniture Outlet to Personalize

The key to this New Year is initiative. Spark up your imagination, and your love for quality furniture, by stopping by the Red Barn Furniture Outlet in Stephens Church, Virginia.